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At SKOPE, we are committed to being market leaders in everything we do. Part of this is ensuring we operate in a manner that is suitable for generations to come.

We're proud of our product advancements that have consistently remained ahead of the curve. All of our newly developed products utilise natural refrigerants which have a Global Warming Potential of virtually zero. Our New Zealand-based research and development team are constantly innovating to ensure our products are as energy efficient, environmentally friendly and high performing as possible.

We recognise that sustainability is more than just the products we make, so we began a significant journey to understand what sustainability meant to our company as a whole. We began by looking inwards and determining what is important to us as members of the SKOPE team. Across the board, our people want to see business-wide action on sustainability. From this, we have identified three key pillars where we will make a real and impactful difference. Our three pillars are Climate Change Action, Responsible Production and Sustainability Culture.

We expect that our journey's focus may evolve over time, but in the first year, we are setting our foundations for strong steps forward.

Climate Change Action

We will take responsibility for reducing our carbon emissions by setting aspirational standards in alignment with global targets.

We have developed our Greenhouse Gas emission measurement and have this certified in line with ISO14064-1:2018 and best practice.

Responsible Production

We continually strive for environmental improvements through the development of an Environmental Management System.

We aim to have this independently certified in 2023.

Sustainability Culture

We will create awareness and engagement by having the right policies in place. Our staff will be armed with the right tools and information for their day-to-day jobs.

We will develop internal sustainability champions and engage our suppliers and customers on our journey.

Our sustainability journey will see us touch on many other areas in addition to our three pillars. We are committed to the journey and are ready for the challenges and opportunities it brings.

SKOPE is Toitu carbonreduce certified 

SKOPE is very proud to have completed our first greenhouse gas inventory. With our roots in good engineering, it goes without saying that we respect the science, so we’ve also had this independently certified in line with international best practice – achieving Toitū carbonreduce certification. 

We have collected data on our electricity, fuel, waste-to-landfill and freight. But we’ve also estimated emissions from other activities, for example, purchased goods and services, staff commuting, working from home and recycling. Lastly, the big one, emissions from energy use of our products in market.

So what are we going to do about it?

We know that it’s going to take action on all fronts to reduce our emissions, so we’ve developed a list of reduction projects we’re working on.

For example, to address the biggest source, energy use of our products, we have expedited design changes and are focussing hard on research and development of new ideas. We are also undertaking an energy audit of our head office and main factory site to find opportunities to reduce emissions from energy. Enabling our staff to decarbonise their commute is also key, we are building a bike shed, installing EV chargers and piloting a Sustainable Commute project to raise awareness and change behaviour.

We are also implementing smaller changes where possible. For instance, at SKOPE sites we are now single-use-cup free. We have switched to a more sustainable safety glove in our factory which has recycled material and recyclable packaging. Our finance team have changed accounts process to reduce printing by approximately 5600 pages per year.

We’re committed to a science-aligned reduction pathway, and commit to measuring our emissions on a yearly basis and tracking our progress.

SKOPE is Proud to be an APCO Member

SKOPE is Proud to be an APCO Member 

Packaging is key to ensuring our products reach their destinations safely. We recogni…

World Environment Day

World Environment Day 

SKOPE celebrated World Environment Day on June 5th by encouraging everyone to take a …

SKOPE is Toitu carbonreduce certified

SKOPE is Toitu carbonreduce certified  

At SKOPE, we’re committed to sustainability and are working hard on actions in our th…

Pedalling Towards a Greener Future: SKOPE's Success in the Aotearoa Bike Challenge

Pedalling Towards a Greener Future: SKOPE's Success in the Aotearoa Bike Challenge  

In a bid to pedal towards a more sustainable future, SKOPE enthusiastically embraced …

SKOPE Celebrates Clean Up Australia Day

SKOPE Celebrates Clean Up Australia Day 

In the lead up to Clean Up Australia Day on 5th March, Australian-based SKOPE team me…

Australian businesses given the opportunity to improve energy efficiency

Australian businesses given the opportunity to improve energy efficiency 

The Australian Government understands the importance of energy efficiency in helping …